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Featured Videos of the Week

CV19 News - Dr. Roger Hodkinson to Edmon

Silence of the Doctors - by Ontario MPP Randy Hilliar

Original Source:

Original Source:

Around the world, thousands of doctors are speaking out against their government's overreaction to COVID and the harmful, negative effects of this heavy handed response.

Yet here in Canada, except for a few, our doctors have been comparably silent.

I've spoken to many doctors who agree that the current measures are not only unnecessary, but are more of a detriment to our health than any benefit, however they are unable to speak out for fear of professional retribution at the hands of their professional college, the health bureaucracy or their public employer.

In a society that values truth over conformity everyone must be free to speak their conscience without fear of reprisal and without coercion.

Let's encourage our Canadian Doctors to be lions speaking truth to power, not silent lambs.

And let's all speak up and speak truth to power and spread the message.

Remember to contact the Premier, your local MPP, and Health Unit. Let them know it is time that we return to normal.

Premier: or or 416-325-1941
Find Your MPP:
Find Your Local Health Unit:

Letters from Doctors:

Quotes from Doctors & Experts


The Charlie Kirk Show: Nine Doctors Speak Out.

Charlie Kirk
The Charlie Kirk Show: Nine Doctors Speak Out.
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The Charlie Kirk Show: Nine Doctors Speak Out.

The Charlie Kirk Show: Nine Doctors Speak Out.

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Mike Yeadon  - Expert on Viruses Disagrees with Liberal Politicians

Mike Yeadon - Expert on Viruses Disagrees with Liberal Politicians

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Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About Covid-19 and The Covid-19 Vaccine.

Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About Covid-19 and The Covid-19 Vaccine.

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censored videos

The following are videos that were not linkable from YouTube due to extreme censorship of the truth. That should alert listeners to the fact that the truth is being revealed and that the matrix establishment does not want it to get out.  Click the image to learn more about the video, or tap the play button to watch the video on the native platform

Former Pfizer VP Yeadon Exposes How Covid Vaccines Were Fraudulently Approved


Viruses, Doctors



Former Pfizer VP Yeadon Exposes How Covid Vaccines Were Fraudulently Approved

Dr. Charles Hoffe Defies Gag Order - Open Letter Reveals How Moderna mRNA Shots Killed and Disabled Patients


Vaccines, Adverse Events, Doctors



Dr. Charles Hoffe Defies Gag Order - Open Letter Reveals How Moderna mRNA Shots Killed and Disabled Patients

Hippocratic Hypocrisy - The Creation of the Modern Medical System


Alternative, Doctors, Vaccines



Hippocratic Hypocrisy - The Creation of the Modern Medical System

Pro-Vax Doc - I Can No Longer Recommend the Vaccine to Any Individual


Doctors, Vaccines, Adverse Events



Pro-Vax Doc - I Can No Longer Recommend the Vaccine to Any Individual

COVID Vaccine Shedding Hurting Unvaxed? Dr. Lee Merritt Explains


Vaccines, Doctors, Adverse Events



COVID Vaccine Shedding Hurting Unvaxed? Dr. Lee Merritt Explains

Dr. Charles Hoffe - Dangers of Childhood Vaccine - Just Say NO


Vaccines, Doctors



Dr. Charles Hoffe - Dangers of Childhood Vaccine - Just Say NO

Dr. Hotze - Immune System, Not Experimental Vaccines - Protect From COVID


Vaccines, Doctors



Dr. Hotze - Immune System, Not Experimental Vaccines - Protect From COVID

Doctor Demonstrates Why Face Masks Do Not & Will Not Stop Community Spread of Covid


Doctors, Masks



Doctor Demonstrates Why Face Masks Do Not & Will Not Stop Community Spread of Covid

IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON? - Dr. Richard Fleming - The Highwire


Doctors, Vaccines



IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON? - Dr. Richard Fleming - The Highwire

CV19News - Dr. Tom Cowan – Origins of Myth, Germ Theory, False Positives, Contagion, Improvisation


Doctors, Viruses



CV19News - Dr. Tom Cowan – Origins of Myth, Germ Theory, False Positives, Contagion, Improvisation

third party channels/ playlists

The following channels and playlists contain numerous videos from us and other third-party channels hosted on various streaming platforms such as YouTube, Bitchute, Brighteon, BrandNewTube, LBRY, and others, many of which we have been deleted due to extreme censorship of the truth. That should alert listeners to the fact that the truth is being revealed and that the matrix establishment does not want it to get out. Click the image or the Visit button to navigate to those other channels or playlists to watch the videos on the native platform

Dr. Vernon Coleman - An Old Man in a Chair




Bitchute Channel/Playlist

Dr. Vernon Coleman - An Old Man in a Chair

International bestselling author Dr Vernon Coleman discusses medical issues.

Dr. Vernon Coleman - An Old Man in a Chair




BrandNewTube Channel/Playlist

Dr. Vernon Coleman - An Old Man in a Chair

International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, has written over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone. His UK publishers include: PAN, Penguin, Corgi, Arrow, Star, Mandarin, Macmillan, Century, Thames and Hudson, and Sidgwick and Jackson. His books have been translated into 25 languages and sell in over 50 countries. Vernon Coleman's books have been serialised in newspapers and magazines all over the world, and many have been turned into television and radio series. (His novel, Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War, was turned into a movie starring Pauline Collins, Peter Capaldi and John Alderton). He was the doctor on British television and the first agony uncle on the BBC. Dr Vernon Coleman is a former GP.

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