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Writer's pictureArnold (AJ) Jameson


Updated: Nov 22, 2020

World Renowned Immunologist & Molecular Biologist

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Prof. Dolores Chahill's Bitchute Channel

Prof. Dolores Chahill's - Biography - Uninversity College Dublin

Professor Dolores Cahill received her Honours degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology & Biotechnology from Dublin City University (1994). She was awarded an EU ‘Human Capital and Mobility’ Post-doctoral Fellow, Technical University, Munich, Germany (1994-1995).

Since 2005 – present, she is Professor of Translational Science at UCD School of Medicine. Prof. Cahill is internationally recognised for her biomedical research, publications and patent record is in life sciences, biotechnology and in personalized healthcare and biomarkers (PHB), proteomics, biotechnology, high content protein and antibody arrays, and their biomedical, diagnostic and clinical applications.

Prof. Cahill has been involved in Scientific and Research Strategy and Policy Development and Evaluation for over 10 years. She is a member of the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Science Committee (2017-2019). In 2018, she was elected by the IMI SC to be Vice Chair of the IMI Scientific Committee (2019-2020).

In the Strategy, Policy and Global engagement area, from October 2013 to end September 2014, Prof. Cahill was seconded as National Expert in Policy to the European Commission Research and Innovation (HORIZON2020) (DG RTD) Directorate, with special emphasis on International Cooperation for Strategy and Policy coordination, with Asia and European Free Trade Area and enlargement countries, Russia & the Pacific.

This secondment was supported by UCD, the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences and the Irish government. This role involved international policy coordination and development in Research and Innovation, including with respect to Horizon2020. She was responsible for international cooperation aspects with South Korea and she was a backup for ASEAN and China. She was the Thematic Correspondent for Health and involved in Strategy Development within the unit.

She worked on Framework Conditions and Commercialization aspects, for example on the International Cooperation Dialogue, within this region.

In this video Professor Dolores Cahill is telling us that our best form of defence from any viral disease is to give our immune system what it needs to function correctly. Namely good nutrition and importantly, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc that can be helped to be absorbed by Hydroxychloroquine when taken at the CORRECT DOSE. (it is 200-400mg maximum/day as listed by the British National Formulary).

I recently listened to a topical video posted on 1st October By Dr M Campbell titled Vitamin D news and science. The science emerging around vitamin D and our immune system is fascinating

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have an extensive research basis as antivirals. In the following article Dr Peter explains the science as to how these drugs work firstly as an Endosome Alkalinizer (Virus replication within cells can be halted within endosomes that are alkaline) and secondly as a Zinc transporter or Ionophor (Zinc is a decidedly anti-viral mineral)

Link to Dr Michael Campbell Looking at results of mortality in trials of low and high dose HCQ

Link to Belgium Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) trial that gave the safe dose according to the BNF

Link to Oxford based Recovery Project that was prescribing a dose of HCQ that was six times more than the safe dose listed by the BNF. (The trial was halted because of adverse effects resulting in a ban of the drug in some countries)

Link to British National Formulary (BNF) site Link to latest declaration (05 10 2020) of three leading scientists presenting facts about herd immunity and protecting the vulnerable, respecting personal freedom to accept risk .

There is muting of audio in a few places in the talk. This is link to download an Mp3 of original file. The document in the link below is a statement by Dr Michael Yeadon. It seeks to explain in detail how how vastly inaccurate the governments present testing strategy is and backs up much of what Professor Dolores Cahill is saying in this respect.

Dr Mike Yeadon is the former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd. The mainstream media is selectively feeding us information that is causing panic. Listen to Professor Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize winner and Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford put things in perspective.



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