Video Library
YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Google, Instagram, and other big tech companies are extending every effort to remove alternative media video interviews from the internet because they obviously reveal too much truth that the elite cultists don't want revealed. Watch and download them now before they disappear from the matrix. Your liberty is literally at stake right now, in this time!
censored videos
The following are videos that were not linkable from YouTube due to extreme censorship of the truth. That should alert listeners to the fact that the truth is being revealed and that the matrix establishment does not want it to get out.
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hint: Watch the videos in the sequence provided
The are three videos in the Covid19 panel that are presented by mainstream sources that tell a very convincing narrative about how the alleged virus functions and how vaccines might be effective. We do not agree with these assertions as you will see starting with the video called "A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures" featuring Dr. Andrew Kaufman. The truth is, the current RT-PCR test being used all over the world only tests for the presence of the RNA of genetic markers called exosomes, and NOT for some presumed-to-be-present virus named COVID19. This alleged virus was not isolated in China using the standard virological testing procedures known as Koch's Postulates, nor has it ever been isolated and identified using that procedure, so the positive presumptive tests that look for the "virus" are only finding associated markers that are believed to be present with the unidentified COVID19 virus which has not even been proven scientifically to exist! Even more shocking, and contrary to popular belief, viruses are not contagious, are not transmittable person-to-person or between species, and are merely non-living genetic material cellular excretions from cells that are undergoing a toxic house-cleaning "outfection" in response to an insult to the cells from some outside stimulus!
One video discusses the Event 201 pandemic training drill held on October 19, 2019, just six weeks prior to the outbreak that was modelled to start in Wuhan, China, revealing the EXACT scenario we are witnessing now. Listen to the highlights from that training event carefully to understand what else is likely on the horizon during this false flag event and what is being pre-planned next by this global cult who are planning a massive worldwide depopulation agenda.
Watch and learn so you can defend your rights and freedoms when the jackboots come knocking at your door to forcibly vaccinate you with an ineffective and dangerous vaccine, during or after this fake pandemic.

COVID-19 Animation: What Happens If You Get Coronavirus?


Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained!

USA Viral Update - the Latest Data Explained in Brief - Know the Data!

URGENT UPDATE: Societal Damage from Bad Science, not the Virus? Why are they doing this?

THE Important Lesson from Sweden - Short, Sharp and Viral!

Have they actually isolated the SARS Cov2 virus of COVID 19

Coronavirus outbreak (covid 19) explained through 3D Medical Animation

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures

Why Did The Media Not Talk About This | Dr Rashid A Buttar

Most People Don't Realize What's Happening 2020
Mobile users: Swipe left to reveal each video.

The Charlie Kirk Show: Nine Doctors Speak Out.

Mike Yeadon - Expert on Viruses Disagrees with Liberal Politicians

Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About Covid-19 and The Covid-19 Vaccine.

Cytokine Storm Syndrome in the Lungs

Surgeon Lee Hieb Merritt-Enough. Its time for medical pros to act on COVID truth, not hysteria!

Dr James Lyons Weiler PA Medical Freedom Press Conference

Dr Kaufman Chromosome 8 and the SARS COV2 PCR test

Have they actually isolated the SARS Cov2 virus of COVID 19

The Surprising Truth about Viral Cultures with Dr Andrew Kaufman

EP 122: Dr Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell discuss THE CONTAGION MYTH


The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closings

Nurse whistleblowers to join forces January 6 in D.C.

NYC COVID-19 Patients 'Left to Rot and Die' in Hospitals; Sara NP

EXCLUSIVE! Ontario nurse SPEAKS OUT: No coronavirus emergency in Ontario hospitals

An ICU nurse of 30 years speaks out.

Mirrored | CV19 | More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won't!

The shocking centre of the COVID-19 crisis


Senator Jensen aka Dr. Jensen calls out CDC for COVID-19 FAKE deaths! "PADDED NUMBERS" U07.2 U07.1

Fauci defends COVID-19 padded numbers cries "conspiracy theory"!!

LEAKED CDC COVID-19 DOC DATED JULY 2020! as #debunkthisfauci goes full swing!

CDC manipulating data QUICK VERSION! #debunkthisfauci

Covid 19 fraud exposed in NY Hospital

!WOW! The Rockefeller Foundation Also "PREDICTED" It Would Happen!!

Event 201 - The Planned Coronavirus Pandemic (MIRRORED)

"Mark of the Beast" Propaganda in Kids Cartoon! (R$E)

Luciferian New Years Eve Propaganda (R$E)

George W. Bush Urged Us to Prepare for Future Pandemics in 2005 | NowThis

Obama Warned The U.S. To Prepare For A Pandemic Back In 2014 | NowThis

Bill Gates Warned Us About Pandemics Multiple Times | NowThis

Bill Gates population control

How to Kill 15% of population by Bill Gates

A Conversation with Bill Gates: Population Growth

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates | TED
5G, Wireless, Cellular, and RF

5G Wireless Safety - Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg & 5G 4G 3G Technologies

Arthur Firstenberg - "The Invisible Rainbow" - The Hidden Dangers of Wireless & Cell Phone Radiation

EP 122: Dr Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell discuss THE CONTAGION MYTH

Health Risks of 5G Technology: Dr. Devra Davis

'Covid 19' And 5G What's The Connection The David Icke Dot Connector Videocast

Dr. R. Young: what are viruses? CORONA EFFECT, EM FIELDS (1,2,3,4 + 5G)


CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Infected people fall down on streets due to virus?

The real reason Five Gee exists...learn the tactics FOIL their plans.

The Connection Between 5G & Coronavirus (Important)

5g from the guy installing it