Enjoy our scheduled webinars in rich audio and video streamed straight to your device so you can learn the Covid19 facts even while on the go. When invited, simply come to this page, click the Launch Meeting button below, your desired screen name, and then click the blue Join Meeting button and you should be connected. To join a private meeting, you will also need to enter the password you were given.
There is no software to download and no techy details to worry about with the Jit.si platform; you just click and go. You can adjust your camera and microphone settings, as well as add or blur your background for privacy and a better experience. Come to the meeting early so you can work out any bugs before we start.
And please, if you are financially able, don't forget to donate what you can to support this broadcast by clicking the Buy me a Coffee button below. Suggested donation is 3 coffees = $15.
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Day, Month Date, 2021
Time pm MDT
~ 2 hrs
NOTE: this is a private meeting and you will need the password you were given in order to attend.