Featured Videos of the Week
Silence of the Doctors - by Ontario MPP Randy Hilliar
Original Source: https://www.randyhilliermpp.com/20200922_silentdoctors
Original Source: https://youtu.be/VB8fZaiYApI
Around the world, thousands of doctors are speaking out against their government's overreaction to COVID and the harmful, negative effects of this heavy handed response.
Yet here in Canada, except for a few, our doctors have been comparably silent.
I've spoken to many doctors who agree that the current measures are not only unnecessary, but are more of a detriment to our health than any benefit, however they are unable to speak out for fear of professional retribution at the hands of their professional college, the health bureaucracy or their public employer.
In a society that values truth over conformity everyone must be free to speak their conscience without fear of reprisal and without coercion.
Let's encourage our Canadian Doctors to be lions speaking truth to power, not silent lambs.
And let's all speak up and speak truth to power and spread the message.
Remember to contact the Premier, your local MPP, and Health Unit. Let them know it is time that we return to normal.
Premier: doug.ford@pc.ola.org or premier@ontario.ca or 416-325-1941
Find Your MPP: https://www.ola.org/en/members
Find Your Local Health Unit: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/system/services/phu/locations.aspx
Letters from Doctors: