Guest Profile
Dr. Byram Bridle
Years of Experience
Dr. Bridle’s resume is extensive. He is a viral immunologist and currently an associate professor of virology and immunology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
He leads research teams studying the natural power of a patient’s immune system to eliminate their own cancer cells. His teams also study host responses to viruses and other inflammatory stimuli. He also teaches students in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, graduate and undergraduate programs, at Guelph.
Dr. Bridle is very much pro-vaccination, but has recently been voicing his concerns from data gleaned from a recently released bio-distribution study out of Japan, outlining why complications and severe side-effects are occurring after taking the C-19 vaccine(s). He states that he has all the peer-reviewed data in hand, to back up everything he is saying, along with other internationally recognized expert colleagues.
Not surprisingly, his speaking out in May 2021 has lead to him being harassed and viciously attacked online. We've all seen this happen, time and time again, when the very individuals we should be listening to, like scientists, doctors, virologists or immunologists, speak out against the mainstream narrative, there is a targeted campaign to discredit them that ensues.
Now, we can understand that sometimes experts disagree, but doesn't it make sense for them to debate and discuss, in an open forum, the same data that is being contested? When will this finally take place?
Listen to his interviews for yourself, and learn this very important information from Dr. Bridle. He states that "we made a mistake". We think it's time to listen up and listen close, because these vaccines might not be what their pushers say they are.
Byram W. Bridle
Associate Professor | PhD
See also for Byram Bridle's affilaited website of which he is an active member.
Dr. Bridle is a viral immunologist who is passionate about improving life through two avenues of research. One arm of his research program is dedicated to designing and optimizing novel biotherapies for the treatment of cancers. The goal of his research team is to harness the natural power of a patient's immune system to eliminate one's own cancer cells. This represents the ultimate personalized therapy and holds the potential to treat cancers more effectively, safely, and at lower cost than current options. The second arm of his research program focuses on studying host responses to viruses and other inflammatory stimuli. This has implications for the treatment of infectious diseases and inflammation-mediated disorders. These two programs have been unified in a unique way. The Bridle lab is harnessing their expertise in making potent cancer vaccines and combining this with their interest in anti-viral immunity to develop vaccines to protect against infectious diseases such as those caused by highly pathogenic coronaviruses. Mentoring the next generation of Canadian scientists is a responsibility that Dr. Bridle takes very seriously. He also counts it a privilege to teach students in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, graduate and undergraduate programs at the University of Guelph.
Research Interests
The research program in the Bridle lab has two arms. One is to develop novel, highly targeted biotherapies for the treatment of cancers. In an effort to kill malignant cells with minimal bystander damage to normal tissues, two approaches are combined: (a) cancer immunotherapy that directs the power of a patient’s immune system against their own tumour(s) and, (b) oncolytic virotherapy, which utilizes viruses that replicate in and kill only cancerous cells. The exquisite specificity, systemic targeting capability and short treatment windows of these therapies hold promise that cancer patients might be effectively treated with reduced side-effects and at minimal cost. The goal is to translate the most promising iterations of these therapies into clinical trials in companion animals as a stepping stone towards testing in human patients. A second emphasis of the lab is the study of host responses to viruses. An area of focus is developing a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying virus-induced cytokine storms. Dr. Bridle's research team has identified a critical role of signaling through the type I interferon receptor in the negative regulation of an extensive network of cytokines. Cytokine responses to viruses are often very different between females and males and the Bridle lab group is seeking to understand why. At the intersection of these two programs, is a research initiative aimed at modifying the research team's optimized cancer vaccine platforms to target severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2, which is the causative agent of the coronavirus disease identified at the end of 2019 (COVID-19). The long-term goal is to have a flexible technological platform to rapidly develop vaccines against highly pathogenic coronaviruses that may emerge in the future.
The Bridle lab seeks researchers who are collaborative, highly motivated, innovative, hard-working and want to have a significant impact in the field of viral immunology. An outstanding academic record, excellent writing and oral presentation skills and a collaborative approach are essential. Trainees will have an opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on research experience in a variety of areas. Learning the fundamental principles of immunology, cancer biology and/or virology is an emphasis. Applicants who are willing to work longer hours than average, are passionate about pursuing a career in research, are excellent communicators, punctual, autonomous and possess excellent technical skills will excel in this laboratory. In return, members can expect diligent mentorship, access to state-of-the-art research resources, with opportunities spanning the basic to translational research spectrum, giving them the resources needed to potentially publish in the highest impact scientific journals and placing the future of their research career in their own hands. Prospective trainees should submit a curriculum vitae, transcripts (unofficial copies would suffice) and a cover letter explaining how they could help advance the research mandates of this laboratory.
Research Funding:
The Bridle lab is or has been funded by:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Terry Fox Research Institute
Canadian Cancer Society
Cancer Research Society
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Reserach Fund
University of Guelph/Ontario Veterinary College/Department of Pathobiology COVID-19 Seed Funding
National Centre of Excellence in Biotherapeutics for Cancer Treatment (BioCanRx)
OVC Pet Trust
The Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund
Canadian Foundation for Innovation - John R. Evans Leaders Fund
Canadian Foundation for Innovation - Infrastructure Operating Funds
Ministry of Research and Innovation Ontario Research Fund - Research Infrastructure Program
The Bridle lab is part of the…
Canadian Oncolytic Virus Consortium
Network of Centre of Excellence in Biotherapies for Cancer Treatment (founding member)
Canadian Society for Immunology
Canadian Society for Virology
Terry Fox Research Institute
Institute for Comparative Cancer Investigation
Dog Osteosarcoma Group: Biomarkers/Biotherapy Of Neoplasia (DOGBONe)
One Health Institute
VETM*3080 Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry (Head Instructor: Veterinary Immunology)
VETM*3450 Principles of Disease in Veterinary Medicine (Immunology Review Lecture)
BIOM*4150/6702 Cancer Biology (Tumour Immunology Unit)
BIOM*6800 Gene Expression in Health and Disease (Lecture: “Identification of genes encoding tumour-associated antigens and their use in cancer vaccine design”)
PABI*6104 Mechanisms of Disease (Lecture: “Oncolytic and Immunotherapies”)
BIOM*4521/2 Research in Biomedical Sciences
BIOM 4500 Research in Biomedical Sciences Literature Review
HK*4371/2 Research in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences
TOX*4900/10 Research Project
PABI*6960 Special Topics in Pathobiology
CLIN*6560 - Small Animal Internal Medicine II (Immunology Review Lecture)
Professional Experience & Honours
Dr. Bridle received graduate training in immunology at the University of Guelph and then postdoctoral training as a viral immunologist at McMaster University.
Some of Dr. Bridle's noteworthy honours include:
The Carl J. Norden Distinguished Teaching Award. This is the highest teaching award given by each North American Veterinary College; the recipient is chosen based on a vote of the second, third and fourth year veterinary classes.
Terry Fox Research Institute New Investigator Award
Being elected to be an honourary class president for the Ontario Veterinary College's Doctor of Veterinary Medicine classes of 2017 (Violet Komodos) and 2023 (Opal Otters)
Zoetis Award for Research Excellence
Selected Publications
Search PubMed for additional publications by Dr. Bridle.

Featured Articles
Considering a Jab? LISTEN to This First. “We Made a Big Mistake”- Viral Immunologist (includes full transcript of video)
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